Postquantum Crypto Library by QAPP
Common library

Data Structures

struct  pqlr_error_handler_callback
 Pqlr user's error handler callback interface. More...


typedef void(* pqlr_error_handler_fnc) (int err_no, const char *msg, void *ctx)
 Type definition for error handling function. Place to free user defined resources before termination. More...
typedef struct pqlr_error_handler_callback pqlr_error_handler_callback_t
 Pqlr user's error handler callback interface. More...
typedef struct pqlr_st * pqlr_t
 Pqlr instance handle. Pqlr represents basic library and it's algorithms configuration. There are singleton instance which could be obtained by pqlr_singleton_instance and local instances which could be obtained from concrete algorithms instances. At the initialization point all the algorithms inherit pqlr's singleton instance state. Any change in the global configuration does not affect previously created algorithms. More...


enum  algorithm_id_t {
  pqlr_algorithm_general = 0xb01a41e3820cfefd , pqlr_algorithm_newhope , pqlr_algorithm_saber = 0xc83c3990d6c012b3 , pqlr_algorithm_sphincs_plus ,
  pqlr_algorithm_sphinxp_gost , pqlr_algorithm_hypericum , pqlr_algorithm_falcon , pqlr_algorithm_ml_dsa ,
  pqlr_algorithm_shipovnik , pqlr_algorithm_kryzhovnik , pqlr_algorithm_rainbow , pqlr_algorithm_polynomial_hash ,
  pqlr_algorithm_xmss = 0x8f4ffb1fc25105ca , pqlr_algorithm_mceliece , pqlr_algorithm_kyber = 0xdbd34adf68c5f0eb , pqlr_algorithm_drbg = 0xcb86e336a7c49070 ,
 Pqlr instance type id. More...


PQLR_API void pqlr_set_error_handler (pqlr_t pqlr, pqlr_error_handler_callback_t *error_handler)
 Allows to specify custom fatal error handler for pqlr instance. Please, note that any change in the global PQLR configuration does not affect previously created algorithms. More...
PQLR_API void pqlr_get_error_handler (const pqlr_t pqlr, pqlr_error_handler_callback_t *error_handler)
 Obtains custom error handler specified by pqlr_set_error_handler(). More...
PQLR_API void pqlr_default_error_handler (int err_no, const char *msg, void *ctx)
 Default pqlr fatal error handler. Prints error string to stderr. More...
PQLR_API pqlr_t pqlr_singleton_instance (void)
 Pqlr singleton instance accessor Please, note that any change in the global PQLR configuration does not affect previously created algorithms. More...
PQLR_API algorithm_id_t pqlr_get_algorithm_id (pqlr_t)
 Detects algorithm type id. More...
PQLR_API void pqlr_proxy_set_context (pqlr_t pqlr, const void *proxy_context)
 set context for proxy backend More...
void pqlr_proxy_context_free (pqlr_t pqlr)
 free proxy backend context More...
PQLR_API int pqlr_proxy_connect_to_server (const char *host, int port)
 Connect to server on port. More...
PQLR_API int pqlr_proxy_send_and_rcv (pqlr_t pqlr, int sockfd, const msgpack_sbuffer *msg, msgpack_unpacker *unp, msgpack_unpacked *und)
 Sends a packed message and blocks till gets a packed message in response, then unpacks it. More...
PQLR_API void pqlr_get_entropy (const pqlr_t pqlr, void *data, size_t size)
 Gets entropy via default entropy source. More...
PQLR_API const char * pqlr_get_version (void)
 Returns null terminated string containing library version. Usage example: More...

Detailed Description

Shared common functions and definitions for different PQLR algorithms

Typedef Documentation

◆ pqlr_error_handler_callback_t

Pqlr user's error handler callback interface.

In case of fatal error in any pqlr algorithm abort() will be called. If set this callback would be called just before the abort.

See also

◆ pqlr_error_handler_fnc

typedef void(* pqlr_error_handler_fnc) (int err_no, const char *msg, void *ctx)

Type definition for error handling function. Place to free user defined resources before termination.

In case of it throws exception or performs longjmp behaviour is undefined
err_noError code.
msgText message.
ctxPointer to user defined data. Could be used as link to resources which are should be made free.

◆ pqlr_t

typedef struct pqlr_st* pqlr_t

Pqlr instance handle. Pqlr represents basic library and it's algorithms configuration. There are singleton instance which could be obtained by pqlr_singleton_instance and local instances which could be obtained from concrete algorithms instances. At the initialization point all the algorithms inherit pqlr's singleton instance state. Any change in the global configuration does not affect previously created algorithms.

All operations on singleton instance are thread-safe.
All operations on local instance are reentrant.
See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ algorithm_id_t

Pqlr instance type id.


Singleton instance id.


Linked to newhope instance id.


Linked to saber instance id.


Linked to sphincs_plus instance id.


Linked to sphinxp_gost instance id.


Linked to hypericum instance id.


Linked to falcon instance id.


Linked to ml_dsa instance id.


Linked to shipovnik instance id.


Linked to kryzhovnik instance id.


Linked to rainbow instance id.


Linked to polynomial_hash instance id.


Linked to xmss instance id.


Linked to mceliece instance id.


Linked to kyber instance id.


Linked to drbg instance id.


Linked to xmssmt instance id.

Function Documentation

◆ pqlr_default_error_handler()

PQLR_API void pqlr_default_error_handler ( int  err_no,
const char *  msg,
void *  ctx 

Default pqlr fatal error handler. Prints error string to stderr.

err_noError code.
msgText message.
ctxUnused, could be NULL

◆ pqlr_get_algorithm_id()

PQLR_API algorithm_id_t pqlr_get_algorithm_id ( pqlr_t  )

Detects algorithm type id.

pqlr algorithm id
See also

◆ pqlr_get_entropy()

PQLR_API void pqlr_get_entropy ( const pqlr_t  pqlr,
void *  data,
size_t  size 

Gets entropy via default entropy source.

Usage example:

int main(void)
// obtain target pqlr instance
pqlr_sei_t sei;
// if you want to obtain source of entropy input from pqlr instance - call
// pqlr_get_sei
sei = pqlr_get_sei(pqlr);
// ...
// Do not forget to free allocated resources
return 0;
PQLR_API pqlr_t pqlr_singleton_instance(void)
Pqlr singleton instance accessor Please, note that any change in the global PQLR configuration does n...
struct pqlr_st * pqlr_t
Pqlr instance handle. Pqlr represents basic library and it's algorithms configuration....
Definition: pqlr.h:26
pqlrInitialized pqlr instance
[out]datapointer to buffer where entropy will be written
sizerequested entropy size

◆ pqlr_get_error_handler()

PQLR_API void pqlr_get_error_handler ( const pqlr_t  pqlr,
pqlr_error_handler_callback_t error_handler 

Obtains custom error handler specified by pqlr_set_error_handler().


// prepare callback storage
// obtain pqlr_t instance, e.g. just singletone instance
// if you want to check specific algorithm configuration - cast it to pqlr
pqlr_get_error_handler(pqlr, &callback);
PQLR_API void pqlr_get_error_handler(const pqlr_t pqlr, pqlr_error_handler_callback_t *error_handler)
Obtains custom error handler specified by pqlr_set_error_handler().
Pqlr user's error handler callback interface.
Definition: error_handler.h:39
pqlrPqlr instance.
[out]error_handlerPointer to error handling callback.
See also

◆ pqlr_get_version()

PQLR_API const char* pqlr_get_version ( void  )

Returns null terminated string containing library version. Usage example:

const char* version = pqlr_get_version();
PQLR_API const char * pqlr_get_version(void)
Returns null terminated string containing library version. Usage example:
Null terminated string containing library version.

◆ pqlr_proxy_connect_to_server()

PQLR_API int pqlr_proxy_connect_to_server ( const char *  host,
int  port 

Connect to server on port.

hosthost address
porthost port
-1 if error, socket file descriptor otherwise

◆ pqlr_proxy_context_free()

void pqlr_proxy_context_free ( pqlr_t  pqlr)

free proxy backend context

pqlrinstance of pqlr

◆ pqlr_proxy_send_and_rcv()

PQLR_API int pqlr_proxy_send_and_rcv ( pqlr_t  pqlr,
int  sockfd,
const msgpack_sbuffer *  msg,
msgpack_unpacker *  unp,
msgpack_unpacked *  und 

Sends a packed message and blocks till gets a packed message in response, then unpacks it.

sockfdsocket file descriptor with connected host
msgmessage to send to a server
unpunpacker, keeps data buffer for reading
undunpacked message to return
-1 if error, 0 otherwise

◆ pqlr_proxy_set_context()

PQLR_API void pqlr_proxy_set_context ( pqlr_t  pqlr,
const void *  proxy_context 

set context for proxy backend

pqlrinstance of pqlr
proxy_contextcontext to pass to proxy backend

◆ pqlr_set_error_handler()

PQLR_API void pqlr_set_error_handler ( pqlr_t  pqlr,
pqlr_error_handler_callback_t error_handler 

Allows to specify custom fatal error handler for pqlr instance. Please, note that any change in the global PQLR configuration does not affect previously created algorithms.

Usage example:

typedef struct my_app_state
void* resource1;
FILE* resource2;
} my_app_state_t;
void custom_error_handler(int err_code, const char* error, void* ctx)
// free resources
my_app_state_t* state = (my_app_state_t*)ctx;
// e.t.c
// perform logging, e.g. call default callback
pqlr_default_error_handler(err_code, error, ctx);
int main(void)
my_app_state_t state = {
state.resource1 = malloc(42);
state.resource2 = fopen("test", "rw");
pqlr_error_handler_callback_t callback = { custom_error_handler, &state };
// obtain pqlr_t instance, e.g. just singletone instance
// if you want to configure specific algorithm - cast it to pqlr
pqlr_set_error_handler(pqlr, &callback);
// initiate error, e.g. try to set invalid error handler:
PQLR_API void pqlr_set_error_handler(pqlr_t pqlr, pqlr_error_handler_callback_t *error_handler)
Allows to specify custom fatal error handler for pqlr instance. Please, note that any change in the g...
PQLR_API void pqlr_default_error_handler(int err_no, const char *msg, void *ctx)
Default pqlr fatal error handler. Prints error string to stderr.
pqlrPqlr instance.
error_handlerPointer to error handler callback struct. If NULL, program will exit immediately on fatal error.
See also

◆ pqlr_singleton_instance()

PQLR_API pqlr_t pqlr_singleton_instance ( void  )

Pqlr singleton instance accessor Please, note that any change in the global PQLR configuration does not affect previously created algorithms.

singleton instance of pqlr or NULL if out of memory
See also