169 const saber_t saber, uint8_t* public_key, uint8_t* secret_key);
194 const uint8_t* public_key,
196 uint8_t* session_key);
218 const uint8_t* secret_key,
219 const uint8_t* ciphertext,
220 uint8_t* session_key);
#define PQLR_API
Definition: api.h:22
struct pqlr_st * pqlr_t
Pqlr instance handle. Pqlr represents basic library and it's algorithms configuration....
Definition: pqlr.h:26
PQLR_API void saber_key_decap(const saber_t saber, const uint8_t *secret_key, const uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *session_key)
Last step of key distribution. Decapsulates key on the initiator side.
PQLR_API uint32_t saber_get_ciphertext_length(saber_t saber)
Obtains ciphertext (request) length for the current saber instance.
Possible saber parameters sets.
Definition: saber.h:53
PQLR_API uint32_t saber_get_initiator_secret_length(saber_t saber)
Obtains initiator's secret key length for the current saber instance.
PQLR_API saber_t saber_new(saber_parameterset_t parameterset)
Creates saber instance initialized by parameterset.
PQLR_API void saber_key_encap(const saber_t saber, const uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *ciphertext, uint8_t *session_key)
Second step of key distribution. Encapsulates key on the responder side.
struct saber_st * saber_t
Saber algorithm instance handle.
Definition: saber.h:65
PQLR_API saber_t saber_duplicate(const saber_t saber)
duplicates context of saber algorithm
PQLR_API uint32_t saber_get_initiator_public_length(saber_t saber)
Obtains initiator's public key length for the current saber instance.
PQLR_API void saber_free(saber_t saber)
Frees saber instance and all corresponding resources.
PQLR_API pqlr_t saber_to_pqlr(saber_t saber)
Gets pqlr instance linked to this saber instance.
PQLR_API void saber_keygen(const saber_t saber, uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *secret_key)
Initial step of key distribution. Generates a key pair for key distribution initiator.
PQLR_API uint32_t saber_get_shared_secret_length(saber_t saber)
Obtains shared secret (key) length for the current saber instance.
@ saber_lightsaber
Definition: saber.h:55
@ saber_classic
Definition: saber.h:54
@ saber_firesaber
Definition: saber.h:56
@ saber_last
Definition: saber.h:57